
Sweet Power Bites: Coffee Truffles

Raw cakes and raw chocolate are nowadays very trendy and more and more recipes are presented in magazines and blogs. In my limited experience of raw desserts I have noticed that the selection is very wide – from very poor tasting to absolutely delicious treats. I guess it is no surprise that these coffee truffles became my favorites since I love coffee and chocolate. Only this time these power bites are a bit healthy too.

The original recipe is from a raw food book by Finnish cookbook writer Karita Tykkä. I have modified Karita’s recipe a little by changing the suggested nespresso coffee capsule into another instant coffee powder and at the same time adding the amount of coffee in the mixture. First of all, it seemed odd to add capsuled coffee into a raw cacao dessert - somehow these two do not fit in the same recipe in my opinion. Anyway, I wanted to get a strong coffee flavour in the truffles so using one capsule seemed also too little for my taste. The amount of coffee is naturally depended on personal preference and can be adjusted accordingly.  

I also thought about using an espresso in the recipe but since the mixture does not need that much liquid in it I chose to use coffee powder. Perhaps next time I’ll try adding a few drops of espresso or cold coffee in the mixture.  

Most of the time I make coffee at home with an espresso machine but sometimes I also use instant coffee. My absolute favorite instant coffee is a brand called Africafe – a fairtrade coffee coming from Tanzania. Africafe differs from many other instant coffees by its silky powder-like texture and smooth taste. I used Africafe in these coffee truffles and I think it suited perfectly.

Coffee Truffles (10-12 truffles)

  • 2 cups pecans 
  • 10-12 dates (fresh or soaked in water, without seed)
  • 4-5 tablespoons of unsweetened (raw) cacao powder 
  • ½-1 tea spoon vanilla powder  
  • 2-3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 pinch of salt (optional, I used organic Kalahari salt)
  • 1-3 tablespoons of instant coffee powder (Africafe or similar non-grainy instant coffee powder)
  • For topping:  shredded coconut flakes and/or cacao powder.
  • Crush the pecans with a food processor or mixer.
  • Add the dates and mix. If the dates are dry, add a small amount of water for moisture. Soaking the dates softens them for blending. Cutting the dates in small before mixing also helps in getting a more smooth paste. Although dates are dried, they're not usually fully dehydrated.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients with the crushed pecans and dates and mix thoroughly.
  • Take a small amount of the paste, and roll small balls. Dip each ball in coconut flakes or cacao powder. 
  • Put the truffles in freeze to harden. Store them frozen and take them in room temperature 15 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Suomeksi (In Finnish)

Kahvitryffelit (10-12 kpl)

2 dl pekaanipähkinöitä
10-12 taatelia (tuoretta tai pienessä vesimäärässä liuotettua, kivettömiä)
4-5 rkl (raaka) kaakaojauhetta (sokeroimatonta)
½ tl vaniljajauhetta
2-3 rkl hunajaa
Ripaus suolaa (ei välttämätön, käytin Kalaharin suolaa)
1-3 rkl pikakahvijauhetta (Africafe tai vastaava ei rakeinen kahvijauhe toimii hyvin)
Kuorrutukseen: kookosrouhetta ja/tai kaakaojauhetta

Rouhi pekaanipähkinät monitoimikoneessa tai vastaavassa.
Lisää taatelit ja sekoita. Jos taatelit vaikuttavat kuivilta, lisää hieman vettä helpottamaan massan muodostumista. Taatelit voi myös leikata pienemmiksi paloiksi helpottamaan niiden sekoittamista. 
Lisää loput raaka-aineet ja sekoita hyvin.
Pyörittele taikinasta pieniä palloja ja kierittele pallot kookosrouheessa tai kaakaojauheessa.
Laita tryffelit jääkaappiin tai pakastimeen tekeytymään. Säilytä pakastimessa ja ota huoneenlämpöön n. 15 min ennen tarjoilua. Nauti!

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